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New accreditation for the T&A laboratory

The T&A Laboratory has taken another important step in improving services for the protection of public health and the environment. Following a visit by Accredia, the National Accreditation Body, the laboratory was accredited for four new tests.
- High-resolution analysis of dioxins and furans in soil and water in accordance with the EPA method 1613B 1994.
- Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soils, using the P&T-GC-MS technique in accordance with the EPA 5035A 2002 and EPA 8260D 2018 methods.
- Commodity analysis of municipal waste in accordance with “ANPA RTI CTN_RIF 1/2000 Met 2.2”.
- Potential Dynamic Respiration Index in waste, in accordance with UNI 11184:2016.
- The tests will enable T&A to offer new services that can identify potential sources of pollution, contribute to responsible waste management and thoroughly assess the impact of waste on the environment.
That’s far from all: the laboratory has aligned itself with the new 2023 version of the UNI 10802 standard for waste sampling. In this way, T&A guarantees that the tests are always conducted in accordance with the highest quality and accuracy standards.